

When Sneezes and Coughs Mean More: Spotting Danger Signs in Your Little One’s Cold

Hello there! Welcome to the Aloha Kids Clinic blog. We are here in Bangalore to help keep kids healthy and happy. We are like detectives for sniffles and coughs! Our clinic specializes in figuring out problems like asthma, allergies, and sleep disorders in children. Today, we’re going to talk about something very important. What to do when a common cold in children might be more than just a cold!

The Common Cold – Sneezes and Sniffles

We all know what it’s like when we get a common cold. Stuffy noses, sneezes, coughs and feeling tired. Kids catch colds just like adults, but they can bounce back quickly most of the time.

✨ However, sometimes a cold can be a tricky little villain hiding something bigger, like asthma or pneumonia. This is why it’s important for parents and guardians to know the danger signs.

Danger Sign #1: Trouble Breathing

When a child has a cold, it’s normal for them to have a stuffy nose. But if your little one is breathing really fast, or their chest is moving in and out a lot, this could be a sign of asthma or pneumonia.

Asthma can make the airways in the lungs get smaller, making it tough for air to move in and out. Imagine breathing through a tiny straw – that’s what asthma can feel like!

Pneumonia is when the lungs get an infection and become inflamed. This can also make breathing difficult. If your child is breathing heavily, it’s time to call the pediatrician!

Danger Sign #2: High Fevers

Fevers can be part of a cold, but high fevers are like red flags waving at you! If your child’s temperature is higher than 102°F (38.9°C), it means their body is fighting really hard against an infection. This could be pneumonia, which is serious, especially in small children. It’s important to see a pediatrician right away if your child has a high fever.

Danger Sign #3: Wheezing or Whistling Sound

If you hear a wheezing or whistling sound when your child breathes, that might mean the child might have some underlying asthma. Asthma can make the airways in the lungs narrow, and that makes these sounds. This is another danger sign that says, “Hey! Call the pediatrician!”

Danger Sign #4: Feeling Really Tired or Weak

If your kiddo is more tired than usual or doesn’t want to play, pay attention! When children are super sleepy or weak during a cold, it could be because their body is fighting something more serious.

Danger Sign #5: Cough That Won’t Go Away

Coughing is normal in a cold. But if the cough is really bad or lasts more than two weeks, it could be a sign of asthma or pneumonia. A cough that is noted at night or with exercise even when the child is not sick

What to Do When You Spot Danger Signs?

Don’t worry! If you see any of these danger signs in your child, it’s time to visit the pediatrician. Pediatricians are like superheroes for sick kids! They can check your little one and give them the right medicine or treatment.

At Aloha Kids Clinic in Bangalore, our amazing doctors are experts in helping children with asthma, allergies, and other problems. We’re here to make sure your child gets the best care!

Here’s How Aloha Kids Clinic Can Help

A cough is our body’s superhero power, but sometimes it can tell us that something’s wrong.Asthma is when our air tubes get all squeezed up and makes us cough. Exercise Induced Asthma happens when the tubes get grumpy during exercise.

Allergies are when our air tubes don’t like certain things like dust or pet fur.

Sleep disorders can also cause coughs, and if you have asthma or allergies, it might make them worse.

The Aloha Kids Clinic in Bangalore is like a superhero base  for children with coughs. They can figure out what’s wrong and help make it better.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Remember, keeping kids healthy is a team effort. You, as a parent or guardian, are the captain of your child’s health team, and the pediatrician is your co-captain. By keeping an eye out for the danger signs – like trouble breathing, high fevers, wheezing sounds, feeling really tired, or a cough that won’t go away – you are doing a great job as the team captain!

And when you spot these danger signs, just know that the Aloha Kids Clinic is ready to jump in as your co-captain. We’re here to help your child feel better and make sure those sneezes and coughs don’t turn into something bigger.

In Conclusion

Colds in children can sometimes hide bigger problems like asthma or pneumonia. Knowing the danger signs helps you be a superhero for your child’s health. And remember, you’re not alone. Our pediatricians at Aloha Kids Clinic in Bangalore are ready to put on their capes and help save the day!

So, the next time your little one has a cold, keep those detective eyes open for any danger signs. And if you see them, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Aloha Kids Clinic for some super-powered help!

Thanks for reading! Stay healthy 🌺

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor for medical concerns.


Aloha Kids Clinic


When your little one is sniffling and coughing, your heart might ache just as much as their throat does. Upper Respiratory Infections (URIs), often caused by viruses, are common in children. These may include the common cold, influenza, and others, with symptoms such as sore throat, cough, runny nose, and sometimes fever. This article aims to guide parents on what to do and what not to do when dealing with URIs, as well as understanding the warning signs that necessitate a visit to the pediatrician or Emergency Department.

What to Do:

1. Avoid Over-The-Counter Cold Medicines for Young Children

Cold medicines should not be given to children under 4 years of age and should be used with caution in older children.

2. Don’t Use Antibiotics Unless Necessary

Antibiotics are not effective against viruses. They should only be used if a bacterial infection is present, as prescribed by a healthcare provider.

3. Avoid Aspirin

Never give aspirin to children or teenagers with a viral infection. It is associated with Reye’s syndrome, a rare but serious condition.

4. Don’t Expose Them to Irritants

Cigarette smoke and strong odors can make symptoms worse. Maintain a clean environment.

5. Don’t Force Them to Eat

It’s common for children to lose their appetite during an infection. Focus on hydration and offer easy-to-digest foods.

Signs and Symptoms to Watch For:

1. Trouble Breathing

If your child is breathing rapidly, has a bluish hue around the lips or is using extra muscles to breathe, it’s crucial to seek medical help immediately.

2. High Fever

A persistent high fever, especially above 104°F (40°C) or any fever in an infant less than three months old, should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

3. Severe or Persistent Cough

A cough that interferes with breathing or sleeping, or if whooping sound or wheezing is present, needs medical attention.

4. Dehydration

Signs of dehydration include sunken eyes, dry mouth, decreased urine output, or no tears when crying. This necessitates prompt medical care.

5. Ear Pain or Drainage

This could indicate an ear infection. Consult the pediatrician if your child complains of ear pain or if there’s discharge from the ear.

6. Rash

A rash coupled with a fever can be indicative of various conditions, some of which can be serious. Contact your pediatrician.

7. Sore Throat with Difficulty Swallowing

If your child is unable to swallow or is drooling excessively, seek medical care. It might indicate a more severe throat infection.

8. Lethargy or Change in Mental Status

If your child is unusually sleepy, irritable, or not responding normally, it is a red flag that needs immediate medical attention.

When to See the Pediatrician or Visit the Emergency Department:

Visit the Pediatrician: For mild to moderate symptoms such as low-grade fever, mild cough, ear pain, or if symptoms are not improving after 3-5 days. The pediatrician will evaluate the child and can advise on appropriate treatments.

Consider visiting the pediatrician if the child has other medical problems like Asthma, Chronic Lung Disease and cardiac problems

Go to the Emergency Department: If your child exhibits severe symptoms such as high fever, difficulty breathing, severe cough, signs of dehydration, or any change in mental status, it is imperative to seek emergency care immediately. These symptoms could be indicative of a severe infection or complication and need to be addressed urgently.

In Summary

While upper respiratory infections are common in children and often resolve on their own with supportive care, it’s essential for parents to know how to alleviate symptoms safely and be vigilant about the warning signs that indicate a more serious condition. Through a combination of home remedies, avoiding certain practices, and understanding when to seek medical help, parents can navigate the often-tricky waters of their child’s illness and ensure they receive the best care possible. Remember, always consult your healthcare provider for advice and information tailored to your child’s specific health needs.

Please explore other pediatric healthcare related topics on and if required you can schedule an in-person or telemedicine appointment. 


Flu Shots for Children's


In the vibrant landscapes of India, where the hustle of life is as persistent as the diversity of its people, the health of our children stands paramount. Aloha Kids Clinic stands at the forefront of pediatric care, advocating for the well-being of our young ones with a focus on prevention through vaccination, especially against the flu.

The Perils of Influenza

The flu is not just a severe health nuisance but a formidable foe that preys on the vulnerable, particularly our children. With the advent of flu season, the urgency for vaccination becomes ever more pressing

Reduced Risk of Severe Illness

Children, especially the younger demographic, find themselves at an elevated risk for serious flu complications. The flu shot stands as a shield, significantly diminishing this risk and ensuring our children’s safety.

Prevention of Spread

Our children, the heart of our communities and the pulse of our schools, can inadvertently become carriers of influenza. Vaccination curtails this spread, safeguarding not only our children but every individual within the community’s embrace.

Healthcare Burden

India’s healthcare system, while robust, faces challenges with the surge of flu cases. Vaccinations are the strategic response to lessen the load on our healthcare warriors, ensuring every child and citizen receives the care they deserve.

Protection of Vulnerable Populations

When we vaccinate our children, we weave a protective net around the most susceptible in our society — the elderly, the infirm, and the immunocompromised. This act of preemptive care is a testament to our collective responsibility.

Overall Public Health Improvement

The flu vaccine is a cornerstone in the edifice of public health. Its widespread adoption is a beacon of hope in curtailing flu epidemics, setting the stage for a healthier populace.

School Attendance and Education

An uninterrupted education is the right of every child. Flu shots ensure that the classrooms remain bustling with eager minds rather than the echoing silence of absenteeism.

Aloha Kids Clinic: Your Child’s Medical Sanctuary

At Aloha Kids Clinic, we embrace a holistic approach to pediatric care, nurturing the seedlings of today to grow into the strong trees of tomorrow.

Our Philosophy of Care

We believe in a proactive approach to health, one that combines vaccines with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and the fostering of mental well-being from a tender age. We are a medical home — a Kids Medical Home — that cherishes each child’s unique journey through growth and development.

Pediatric Care Tailored for Comfort

Our pediatricians and nursing staff don’t just wear their professionalism like a badge but their compassion like a warm embrace. Every child is met with smiles, every concern addressed with understanding.

A Hub of Preventive Measures

At Aloha Kids Clinic, prevention is our mantra. Flu vaccines, a staple in our preventive care arsenal, are administered with the gentlest touch, ensuring your child is comfortable, reassured, and protected.

The Journey to Vaccination

Scheduling Your Visit

Aloha Kids Clinic has streamlined the process to ensure that getting your child vaccinated is as easy as it is essential. Visit our website or dial 9606077401 to schedule an appointment.

The Aloha Experience

Arriving for a flu shot at our clinic is an experience in itself. Our kid-friendly environment and knowledgeable staff will guide you through each step, making sure you and your child leave with peace of mind and a smile.


Understanding the importance of flu shots for children, especially in a country as populous as India, is to understand the fabric of health that connects us all. Aloha Kids Clinic is more than just a clinic; it’s a partner in your child’s health journey. Join us in our mission to protect and nurture the future of our nation.


Introduction to Aloha Kids Clinic!:

At Aloha Kids Clinic, we believe in providing holistic care for your little ones. Our approach is centered around wellness, prevention, and a deep understanding of each child’s unique needs. Here, we go beyond the traditional medical model, focusing not just on treatment but on nurturing the overall physical and mental well-being of children.

Holistic Pediatric Care

Wellness from the Start

Our goal at Aloha Kids Clinic is to prevent health problems before they start. We emphasize the importance of vaccines, healthy nutrition, and an active lifestyle right from a young age. Our pediatricians and staff are dedicated to educating families on the best practices for maintaining good health, ensuring a robust foundation for your child’s future.

Comprehensive Medical Support

Understanding that children’s health needs can be unpredictable, we provide constant support. Our pediatrician is always on call, ready to assist whenever your child needs it the most. We believe in being there for our little patients at all times, ensuring that help is just a call away.

Electronic Medical Records: A Game-Changer

We maintain comprehensive Electronic Medical Records for all our young patients. This system is not just a record-keeping tool; it’s a crucial component of our care strategy. Having detailed, up-to-date information about each child enables us to provide personalized and effective treatment whenever it’s needed.

The Aloha Approach to Family Involvement

Valuing Parental Input

At Aloha Kids Clinic, we recognize that parents know their children best. That’s why we value parental input and involve families in medical decision-making. Our approach is collaborative, ensuring that the care plan reflects the child’s needs and the family’s preferences.

Pediatric Nursing Staff and Pediatricians: A Kid-Friendly Team

Our staff, from nurses to pediatricians, are not just healthcare professionals; they are passionate advocates for children’s health. They bring a kid-friendly approach to every interaction, ensuring that each visit to our clinic is a positive experience for both the child and the family.

Accessibility and Convenience

Easy Appointment Scheduling

We understand that families have busy schedules. To make accessing healthcare easier, we offer convenient online appointment scheduling on our website, Alternatively, appointments can be made by calling 9606077401. Our aim is to make healthcare accessible and hassle-free.

Conclusion: The Aloha Way

Choosing the right pediatric clinic for your child is a crucial decision. At Aloha Kids Clinic, we offer a unique blend of holistic care, always-available support, and a family-inclusive approach. Our commitment is to nurture your child’s health and well-being, the Aloha way.


Welcome to Aloha Kids Clinic!:

Hello families and kids! Are you looking for a super cool place for your child’s health care? Let me introduce you to Aloha Kids Clinic. It’s not just any clinic; it’s a special place where kids get the best care to grow up healthy and happy.

What Makes Aloha Kids Clinic Special?

1. Holistic Care for Happy Kids

At Aloha Kids Clinic, we take care of your whole child, not just when they have a cold or a boo-boo. Our goal is to keep them healthy in their body and mind. We have lots of ways to do this, like making sure they get the right vaccines, eat healthy foods, and play and exercise a lot.

2. Always There When You Need Us

Got a question in the middle of the night or need help when your child is feeling sick? Don’t worry! We have a pediatrician ready to help you anytime, day or night. You’re not alone; we’re here to help whenever you need us.

3. Keeping Track of Your Child’s Health

At our clinic, we use something called Electronic Medical Records. This is like a super smart diary that keeps all the information about your child’s health. It helps us take the best care of them because we know their health history very well.

4. Parents and Doctors, A Super Team!

Guess what? You, the parents, are a big part of our team! We believe you know your child the best. So, when we make decisions about your child’s health, we do it together. Your ideas and concerns are really important to us.

Kid-Friendly Team

Our pediatricians and nurses are not just super smart; they are also super friendly! They know how to make your visit fun and comfortable. You’ll love meeting them!

Easy Peasy Appointments

Want to visit us? You can easily make an appointment by going to our website or calling us at 9606077401. It’s quick and easy!

Why Aloha Kids Clinic?

1. Preventing Health Problems

We don’t just treat sickness; we work hard to prevent it. This means we help you make sure your child stays strong and doesn’t get sick often. We do this by giving them vaccines and teaching you about healthy living.

2. Fun and Learning

Coming to Aloha Kids Clinic is not just about getting a check-up. It’s a place where you can learn lots of cool stuff about staying healthy and strong. And guess what? It’s a lot of fun too!

3. Always Available

Remember, no matter what time it is, there’s always a pediatrician ready to help at Aloha Kids Clinic. That’s how much we care about you!

4. A Big Family

At Aloha Kids Clinic, we’re like a big, happy family. We work with you and care for your child just like they are part of our family.

Join the Aloha Family!



Hello, parents and guardians! Today, we’re going to talk about something really important – flu vaccines for kids, also popularly known as the “flu shot”.  We know you want to keep your little ones healthy and happy, and that’s why we’re here to share some helpful information from Aloha Kids Clinic.

What is Flu?

First things first, let’s talk about the flu. Flu, or influenza, is a sickness that can make you feel really bad. It’s like a super bad cold with fever, cough, and feeling tired. Some children can have complications like pneumonia, bronchitis,sinus infections and ear infections. It’s not fun for anyone, especially for kids.

Why are Vaccines important?

Vaccines are like tiny superheroes that help our bodies fight off the bad guys – germs. The flu vaccine helps your body learn how to fight the flu, so if the flu germs try to make you sick, your body is ready to stop them!

The Aloha Kids Clinic Way

At Aloha Kids Clinic, we’re all about making sure your visit is as fun and stress-free as possible. We have the best pediatric nurses and doctors who are super kid-friendly. They know how to make getting a flu shot quick and easy.

Who Needs the Flu vaccine?

The Indian Academy of Pediatrics recommends yearly flu vaccines for all children from 6 months onwards till 5 years of age. It is recommended to continue yearly in children who are at high risk to develop severe influenza such as children with weak immune systems and children with chronic diseases like cardiac illness, asthma, wheezing problems,chronic respiratory conditions, diabetes, obesity etc. Please talk to your pediatrician if your child would benefit from yearly vaccine after 5 years of age.

Is it safe and advisable for a child who suffers from asthma or wheezing problems to receive the flu vaccine?

Yes, your child with asthma or wheezing problems can and should receive the flu vaccine. The rationale for this is rooted in the understanding that children with asthma or wheezing are at a higher risk for complications from the flu. Influenza can trigger asthma attacks and can lead to the development of pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, which can be particularly severe in children with pre-existing respiratory conditions.

When a child with asthma or wheezing contracts the flu, their already sensitive airways can become more inflamed or congested, making it harder to breathe. This can exacerbate their asthma symptoms, potentially leading to more severe asthma attacks. By vaccinating against the flu, you are providing an important layer of protection. The vaccine works by preparing the immune system to recognize and fight the virus, which significantly reduces the risk of catching the flu and, consequently, the risk of a flu-triggered asthma attack.

When to give the Flu vaccine ?

In India Influenza is noted throughout the year but peaks in Winter and Monsoon. It is strongly recommended to give the flu vaccine at least 2-4 weeks before influenza season. For best protection, it is beneficial to administer between the months of August to February. 

Getting the Vaccine – It’s Simple!

When it’s time for your flu shot, you can visit Aloha Kids Clinic. You can make an appointment on our website or call us at 9606077401. It’s really easy!

What Happens at the Aloha Kids Clinic ?

At our clinic, you’ll see that we have a colorful and fun place for kids. When you get your flu shot, it’s super quick, and it doesn’t hurt much. It’s just like a little pinch!

Observation Time

After you get your flu shot, we have a special 10-15-minute observation time. This is when you hang out with us a little longer, so we can make sure you’re feeling okay after your vaccine. You can play with toys or read books during this time.

What are some of the side effects of the vaccine?

It is generally a safe vaccine. However some children can have soreness, redness and mild swelling at the injection site. In rare cases, some children get fever, muscle aches and headaches.

Stay Healthy Tips

Apart from getting your flu shot, there are other ways to stay healthy. Always wash your hands, eat healthy foods, and get plenty of sleep. These things help keep your body strong.

Questions? Just Ask!

If you have any questions about the flu vaccine or anything else, just ask us. We’re here to help and make sure you feel safe and informed.


Remember, getting a flu vaccine is an important part of staying healthy. At Aloha Kids Clinic, we make it easy and fun. We can’t wait to see you and help you stay strong and healthy this flu season!

Remember, kids, staying healthy is super important, and getting your flu vaccine is a big part of that. See you soon at Aloha Kids Clinic! Call 9606077401 now to make an appointment.

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+91 96060 77401

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Aloha Kids Clinic
No 531, 2nd Floor,
Nammalaya Building
Bangalore – 560062

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    Aloha Kids Clinic
    No 531, 2nd Floor,
    Nammalaya Building,
    Bangalore – 560062

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      Copyright by Aloha kids clinic,2023 All rights reserved.