Protecting Our Little Ones: The Essential Guide to Flu (Influenza) Vaccines for Children

15 February 2024 by Shilpa0


Hello, parents and guardians! Today, we’re going to talk about something really important – flu vaccines for kids, also popularly known as the “flu shot”.  We know you want to keep your little ones healthy and happy, and that’s why we’re here to share some helpful information from Aloha Kids Clinic.

What is Flu?

First things first, let’s talk about the flu. Flu, or influenza, is a sickness that can make you feel really bad. It’s like a super bad cold with fever, cough, and feeling tired. Some children can have complications like pneumonia, bronchitis,sinus infections and ear infections. It’s not fun for anyone, especially for kids.

Why are Vaccines important?

Vaccines are like tiny superheroes that help our bodies fight off the bad guys – germs. The flu vaccine helps your body learn how to fight the flu, so if the flu germs try to make you sick, your body is ready to stop them!

The Aloha Kids Clinic Way

At Aloha Kids Clinic, we’re all about making sure your visit is as fun and stress-free as possible. We have the best pediatric nurses and doctors who are super kid-friendly. They know how to make getting a flu shot quick and easy.

Who Needs the Flu vaccine?

The Indian Academy of Pediatrics recommends yearly flu vaccines for all children from 6 months onwards till 5 years of age. It is recommended to continue yearly in children who are at high risk to develop severe influenza such as children with weak immune systems and children with chronic diseases like cardiac illness, asthma, wheezing problems,chronic respiratory conditions, diabetes, obesity etc. Please talk to your pediatrician if your child would benefit from yearly vaccine after 5 years of age.

Is it safe and advisable for a child who suffers from asthma or wheezing problems to receive the flu vaccine?

Yes, your child with asthma or wheezing problems can and should receive the flu vaccine. The rationale for this is rooted in the understanding that children with asthma or wheezing are at a higher risk for complications from the flu. Influenza can trigger asthma attacks and can lead to the development of pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, which can be particularly severe in children with pre-existing respiratory conditions.

When a child with asthma or wheezing contracts the flu, their already sensitive airways can become more inflamed or congested, making it harder to breathe. This can exacerbate their asthma symptoms, potentially leading to more severe asthma attacks. By vaccinating against the flu, you are providing an important layer of protection. The vaccine works by preparing the immune system to recognize and fight the virus, which significantly reduces the risk of catching the flu and, consequently, the risk of a flu-triggered asthma attack.

When to give the Flu vaccine ?

In India Influenza is noted throughout the year but peaks in Winter and Monsoon. It is strongly recommended to give the flu vaccine at least 2-4 weeks before influenza season. For best protection, it is beneficial to administer between the months of August to February. 

Getting the Vaccine – It’s Simple!

When it’s time for your flu shot, you can visit Aloha Kids Clinic. You can make an appointment on our website or call us at 9606077401. It’s really easy!

What Happens at the Aloha Kids Clinic ?

At our clinic, you’ll see that we have a colorful and fun place for kids. When you get your flu shot, it’s super quick, and it doesn’t hurt much. It’s just like a little pinch!

Observation Time

After you get your flu shot, we have a special 10-15-minute observation time. This is when you hang out with us a little longer, so we can make sure you’re feeling okay after your vaccine. You can play with toys or read books during this time.

What are some of the side effects of the vaccine?

It is generally a safe vaccine. However some children can have soreness, redness and mild swelling at the injection site. In rare cases, some children get fever, muscle aches and headaches.

Stay Healthy Tips

Apart from getting your flu shot, there are other ways to stay healthy. Always wash your hands, eat healthy foods, and get plenty of sleep. These things help keep your body strong.

Questions? Just Ask!

If you have any questions about the flu vaccine or anything else, just ask us. We’re here to help and make sure you feel safe and informed.


Remember, getting a flu vaccine is an important part of staying healthy. At Aloha Kids Clinic, we make it easy and fun. We can’t wait to see you and help you stay strong and healthy this flu season!

Remember, kids, staying healthy is super important, and getting your flu vaccine is a big part of that. See you soon at Aloha Kids Clinic! Call 9606077401 now to make an appointment.

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