Pediatric Puberty Disorders

At the Aloha Kids Clinic, we offer expert evaluation and care for children experiencing Pediatric Puberty Disorders. These disorders encompass conditions such as precocious puberty, where puberty begins unusually early, and delayed puberty, where the onset of puberty is significantly delayed. Addressing these disorders is crucial as they can impact a child’s physical and emotional development. Our clinic’s Pediatric Endocrinologists, who specialize in these unique conditions, provide thorough assessments and personalized care plans.

Who Might Benefit from a Pediatric Puberty Disorders Evaluation Visit?

A Pediatric Puberty Disorders Evaluation is recommended for children showing signs of either precocious or delayed puberty. Signs of precocious puberty include the early development of secondary sexual characteristics, while delayed puberty might be suspected if these characteristics are absent or significantly delayed compared to peers.

Scheduling a Pediatric Puberty Disorders Evaluation Visit

Parents and guardians can schedule a Pediatric Puberty Disorders Evaluation Visit at the Aloha Kids Clinic by contacting us via the provided contact details. Our compassionate team will guide you through the process and answer any queries you might have.

What to Expect During a Pediatric Puberty Disorders Evaluation Visit?

The evaluation includes a detailed medical and family history, an assessment of the child’s growth and development, and a physical examination. The Pediatric Endocrinologist may also order blood tests to measure hormone levels and, if necessary, imaging tests to examine the brain or reproductive organs.

Preparing Your Child for a Pediatric Puberty Disorders Evaluation Visit

Preparation involves discussing the purpose of the visit with your child in an age-appropriate and sensitive manner. Encourage them to ask questions and express any concerns they might have.

Supporting Your Child After a Pediatric Puberty Disorders Evaluation Visit

Post-visit, it is important to support your child emotionally and physically, as they might need help adapting to the understanding and management of their condition. Provide a loving and open environment to discuss any changes or treatments.

CALL +91 96060 77401 to schedule the appointment today

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+91 96060 77401

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Aloha Kids Clinic
No 531, 2nd Floor,
Nammalaya Building
Bangalore – 560062

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    +91 96060 77401

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    Aloha Kids Clinic
    No 531, 2nd Floor,
    Nammalaya Building,
    Bangalore – 560062

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      Copyright by Aloha kids clinic,2023 All rights reserved.