


Welcome to Aloha Kids Clinic’s blog. Our medical facility, located in Bangalore, is devoted to ensuring the well-being of children. We specialize in the evaluation and management of asthma, allergies, and sleep disorders. Today, we would like to discuss a critical health concern affecting countless children – asthma. By understanding the triggers for asthma, one can prevent asthma attacks, which are characterized by wheezing, coughing, and breathing difficulty. It is vital to recognize these symptoms early to provide the best care for our young ones.

Understanding Asthma in Children

Asthma is a chronic condition affecting the respiratory system, wherein the airways in the lungs become swollen and narrowed. This makes it harder for air to move in and out of the lungs, causing symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and breathing difficulty. Children are particularly susceptible to asthma due to their smaller airways. The number of children with asthma has been increasing, making it essential for parents and caregivers to be informed and proactive.

Common Triggers for Asthma in Children

Various factors can trigger an asthma attack in children. Identifying these triggers is the first step towards managing asthma effectively:

Allergens: Pollen, dust mites, mold, and pet dander can trigger asthma.

Respiratory infections: Colds and flu often worsen asthma symptoms.

Exercise: Physical exertion sometimes causes exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, a type of asthma.

Weather changes: Cold air or sudden changes in weather can trigger an asthma attack.

Strong smells: Perfumes, agarbathis, cleaning products, tobacco smoke, and smoke can irritate the airways.

Managing Asthma Triggers

Minimize exposure to allergens: Regularly clean and ventilate your home to reduce dust mites, mold, and pet dander. During high pollen seasons, keep windows closed and consider using air purifiers.

Stay updated with vaccinations: Ensure that your child’s vaccinations, especially for the flu, are up to date to decrease the likelihood of respiratory infections.

Manage exercise-induced asthma: Consult your child’s doctor at Aloha Kids Clinic about using a inhaler before exercise. Also, ensure that your child warms up before engaging in any strenuous activity.

Dress appropriately for the weather: If cold weather is a trigger, make sure your child is bundled up before heading outside. If sudden weather changes cause symptoms, pay attention to the forecast and be prepared.

Avoid strong smells: Opt for fragrance-free cleaning products and discourage smoking in your home or around your child. Avoid incense sticks and other strong room fresheners especially in the child’s bedroom and playing areas. 

Educate your child: Teach your child to recognize the early signs of an asthma attack and what to do if one occurs. Make sure they know how to use their inhaler or medication properly.

Regular doctor visits: Regular visits to Aloha Kids Clinic will help monitor your child’s asthma. Our specialists in Bangalore are experienced in managing asthma, allergies, and sleep disorders in children. We will work with you to develop an asthma action plan tailored for your child.

Emergency Preparedness: Keep your child’s reliever medication handy at all times. Make sure that teachers, caregivers, and family members are aware of your child’s asthma triggers and know how to respond in an emergency.


At Aloha Kids Clinic in Bangalore, we understand how critical it is for parents and caregivers to safeguard the health and well-being of children. By identifying the triggers for asthma and taking steps to manage them, you can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. Keeping a vigilant eye for symptoms such as wheezing, cough, and breathing difficulty is crucial. It is also important to educate your child, family members, and caregivers about asthma and its triggers. Regular visits to a specialized clinic, like Aloha Kids Clinic, can help in monitoring and managing your child’s asthma effectively.

At Aloha Kids Clinic, our dedicated team of professionals is committed to providing the highest standard of care for children suffering from asthma, allergies, and sleep disorders. Our experts will work closely with you to develop a personalized asthma action plan that empowers you to manage your child’s condition confidently.

Empower yourself with knowledge and take proactive steps in creating a safer and healthier environment for your child. Together, we can ensure that children with asthma can lead active, fulfilling lives without the constant worry of asthma attacks.

We invite you to visit Aloha Kids Clinic in Bangalore for consultation and guidance on managing asthma in children. Our doors are always open for you and your little ones.

Thanks for reading! Stay healthy đŸŒș

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor for medical concerns.


Hello there! Welcome to the Aloha Kids Clinic blog. We are here in Bangalore to help keep kids healthy and happy. We are like detectives for sniffles and coughs! Our clinic specializes in figuring out problems like asthma, allergies, and sleep disorders in children. Today, we’re going to talk about something very important. What to do when a common cold in children might be more than just a cold!

The Common Cold – Sneezes and Sniffles

We all know what it’s like when we get a common cold. Stuffy noses, sneezes, coughs and feeling tired. Kids catch colds just like adults, but they can bounce back quickly most of the time.

✹ However, sometimes a cold can be a tricky little villain hiding something bigger, like asthma or pneumonia. This is why it’s important for parents and guardians to know the danger signs.

Danger Sign #1: Trouble Breathing

When a child has a cold, it’s normal for them to have a stuffy nose. But if your little one is breathing really fast, or their chest is moving in and out a lot, this could be a sign of asthma or pneumonia.

Asthma can make the airways in the lungs get smaller, making it tough for air to move in and out. Imagine breathing through a tiny straw – that’s what asthma can feel like!

Pneumonia is when the lungs get an infection and become inflamed. This can also make breathing difficult. If your child is breathing heavily, it’s time to call the pediatrician!

Danger Sign #2: High Fevers

Fevers can be part of a cold, but high fevers are like red flags waving at you! If your child’s temperature is higher than 102°F (38.9°C), it means their body is fighting really hard against an infection. This could be pneumonia, which is serious, especially in small children. It’s important to see a pediatrician right away if your child has a high fever.

Danger Sign #3: Wheezing or Whistling Sound

If you hear a wheezing or whistling sound when your child breathes, that might mean the child might have some underlying asthma. Asthma can make the airways in the lungs narrow, and that makes these sounds. This is another danger sign that says, “Hey! Call the pediatrician!”

Danger Sign #4: Feeling Really Tired or Weak

If your kiddo is more tired than usual or doesn’t want to play, pay attention! When children are super sleepy or weak during a cold, it could be because their body is fighting something more serious.

Danger Sign #5: Cough That Won’t Go Away

Coughing is normal in a cold. But if the cough is really bad or lasts more than two weeks, it could be a sign of asthma or pneumonia. A cough that is noted at night or with exercise even when the child is not sick

What to Do When You Spot Danger Signs?

Don’t worry! If you see any of these danger signs in your child, it’s time to visit the pediatrician. Pediatricians are like superheroes for sick kids! They can check your little one and give them the right medicine or treatment.

At Aloha Kids Clinic in Bangalore, our amazing doctors are experts in helping children with asthma, allergies, and other problems. We’re here to make sure your child gets the best care!

Here’s How Aloha Kids Clinic Can Help

A cough is our body’s superhero power, but sometimes it can tell us that something’s wrong.Asthma is when our air tubes get all squeezed up and makes us cough. Exercise Induced Asthma happens when the tubes get grumpy during exercise.

Allergies are when our air tubes don’t like certain things like dust or pet fur.

Sleep disorders can also cause coughs, and if you have asthma or allergies, it might make them worse.

The Aloha Kids Clinic in Bangalore is like a superhero base  for children with coughs. They can figure out what’s wrong and help make it better.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Remember, keeping kids healthy is a team effort. You, as a parent or guardian, are the captain of your child’s health team, and the pediatrician is your co-captain. By keeping an eye out for the danger signs – like trouble breathing, high fevers, wheezing sounds, feeling really tired, or a cough that won’t go away – you are doing a great job as the team captain!

And when you spot these danger signs, just know that the Aloha Kids Clinic is ready to jump in as your co-captain. We’re here to help your child feel better and make sure those sneezes and coughs don’t turn into something bigger.

In Conclusion

Colds in children can sometimes hide bigger problems like asthma or pneumonia. Knowing the danger signs helps you be a superhero for your child’s health. And remember, you’re not alone. Our pediatricians at Aloha Kids Clinic in Bangalore are ready to put on their capes and help save the day!

So, the next time your little one has a cold, keep those detective eyes open for any danger signs. And if you see them, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Aloha Kids Clinic for some super-powered help!

Thanks for reading! Stay healthy đŸŒș

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor for medical concerns.


Hi Friends!  Today, we are going to talk about a super important topic. Imagine you’re at a birthday party or playing your favorite sport and suddenly, you can’t stop coughing! What’s going on? Well, our friends at Aloha Kids Clinic in Bangalore are experts at solving this mystery. They told us that sometimes a cough is more than “just a cough.” It could be a sign of asthma or allergies. Let’s dive into this cool topic!

So, what is a cough?

A cough is like a superhero power that your body uses to keep your throat and airways clean. It helps to kick out any bad stuff like dust or germs. But sometimes, when the cough doesn’t go away or happens a lot, it might be telling you that something’s not right.

Asthma – The Sneaky Cough Monster

Now, let’s talk about a word you might have heard before – asthma. Imagine your airways as tiny tubes. These tubes let the air go in and out when you breathe. But with asthma, these tubes get smaller because the muscles around them tighten up. It’s like squeezing a straw really hard! This makes it difficult for air to move, and so you cough.

Did you know there are different types of asthma?

One is called Exercise Induced Asthma. No, it doesn’t mean exercise is bad! Exercise is awesome for you! But sometimes, when children run around a lot, their air tubes get a little grumpy and start to squeeze. This causes them to cough during or after exercise.

Allergies – The Invisible Troublemakers

Allergies are another reason why children cough a lot. Imagine having a friend who doesn’t like broccoli. Whenever they see it, they make a face. Just like that, sometimes our bodies don’t like things like dust, pollen, or pet fur. Our air tubes make a ‘yucky’ face by coughing to tell us they don’t like it.

Sleep Disorders and Cough

Sometimes when children go to bed, they may still be coughing. This is no fun because we all love to dream about awesome adventures, right? Sleep disorders can make us cough, or if we have asthma or allergies, they can get worse when we’re trying to sleep. Not getting enough sleep can make us grumpy and not able to play as much. Research has also shown that children with sleep problems perform poorly in school as they are not able to concentrate

What Can We Do?

You must be thinking, “Oh no! What can we do about this?” Well, don’t worry! The experts at Aloha Kids Clinic are like cough detectives. They have special tools and tests to find out why someone is coughing. They can check if it’s asthma, allergies, or a sleep disorder.

And guess what? They can help make it better! They might give you medicine, teach you cool breathing exercises or even tell you how to make your room extra clean so the air tubes are happy. 

Just like we have to eat veggies and fruits to keep our bodies strong, sometimes our air tubes need some extra care too.

Listen to Your Cough

Remember, if you or your friends are coughing a lot, it’s important to listen to what the cough is trying to say. It might be telling you that the air tubes need some help.

If you live in Bangalore or nearby, the Aloha Kids Clinic is the place to go for help. They are like superheroes for children who need to fight against the sneaky cough monsters like asthma and allergies.

So, let’s be cough detectives too! We can keep an eye and an ear on our coughs and those of our friends. If a cough is being extra sneaky and sticking around for a long time, or making it hard to play and have fun, it’s time to talk to a grown-up. Parents and teachers can help, and they might take you to see the amazing experts at Aloha Kids Clinic.

Let’s Recap!

A cough is our body’s superhero power, but sometimes it can tell us that something’s wrong. Asthma is when our air tubes get all squeezed up and make us cough. Exercise Induced Asthma happens when the tubes get grumpy during exercise.

Allergies are when our air tubes don’t like certain things like dust or pet fur.

Sleep disorders can also cause coughs, and if you have asthma or allergies, it might make them worse.

The Aloha Kids Clinic in Bangalore is like a superhero base for children with coughs. They can figure out what’s wrong and help make it better.

A Message to the Grown-ups

Hey moms, dads, and guardians! If your child is coughing a lot, especially at night or after playing, it’s important to keep an eye on them. Aloha Kids Clinic specializes in evaluating and managing asthma, allergies, and sleep disorders in children. They have a super kid-friendly medical office in Bangalore. The team of experts there will make sure that your little ones are in safe hands. So don’t wait; let’s give the cough monsters a tough time!

Back to Our Little Detectives

Alright friends, now that you know how to be a cough detective and what to do when a cough is more than “just a cough,” you’re all set! Be brave, stay curious, and remember, taking care of ourselves is the greatest adventure of all!

If you learned something new today or enjoyed reading this, don’t forget to share it with your friends! And if you have any cool stories or questions, tell us in the comments below! 

Happy adventures, everyone! 🌈

-Your friends at Aloha Kids Clinic

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor for medical concerns.

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